Get to know more about
Whaling Around
A Dutch couple travelling the world together
We are the creators of Whaling Around: Andrea and Lars. As lovers of an active lifestyle, we have already travelled to more than 20 countries on the globe. Andrea has embarked on adventures to places like Morocco, Thailand and Indonesia. Lars, in contrast, has visited destinations like Canada, Israel and the Canary Islands. Together, we spent three years living in Germany, enjoyed our honeymoon in Nepal and spent a few months residing in Australia. All of these trips have created unique experiences and cherished memories. Due to recent changes in our life, new doors have opened. This has given us the opportunity to combine our love for travel and living abroad. An opportunity we have seized with both hands.
Over the years, we have found that others find our life decisions and the adventures we create captivating and inspiring. This recognition motivated us to start our own blog, allowing us to share enjoyable and beautiful adventures with our friends, family, and hopefully many others in the future.

You may wonder why we chose the name Whaling Around
The name Whaling Around is not made out of thin air. As previously mentioned, we have had the privilege to visit numerous places across the globe and immerse ourselves in diverse cultures. This has not only expanded our view of the world, but also demonstrated that mainstream living is not the only choice. However, our love for travel was not always there: it gradually developed over the years, perhaps unconsciously. As a result, our concept of home evolved; for us, home is togetherness, wherever in the world that may be and enjoying everything life has to offer. We compare this to a whale. This beautiful animal does not have a fixed home, but roams the oceans throughout its life as a nomad, choosing the best place to live at any given time. Similarly, since there is so much the world has to offer and we have yet to decide where to settle: we try to be like whales who roam the earth.

More about Lars
Lars’s life has been shaped by his athletic passion: open water swimming. As a result, his decisions over the years have always been taken with his sports career in the back of his head. Thus leaving less time for travel and discovery. Nevertheless, his sport took him to many places around the world, otherwise inaccessible to him. Granted, it was not always like holiday or living life to the fullest, but in his own way it was rewarding and his desire for more grew and grew.
Thanks to his background as an athlete, Lars is a do’er, planner and the tech savy one of the duo. Now, with more room for other aspects of life, his yearning to see more of the world increased, opening up an entire new world of possibilities. He is ready to discover more.
More about Andrea
Andrea is a person with a variety of hobbies, including sports, reading, and photography. She utilises these hobbies particularly while travelling, using them as an opportunity to create these blogs. That is why she is the creative brain of the two.
She has also undergone significant personal growth. Once extremely shy and introverted, taking comfort in her safe space, she has evolved into a more extroverted woman who knows what she wants. Her desire for thrill-seeking and travel used to be more hidden in the background but has increased considerably. This encourages her to break out of her comfort zone more frequently. It began with short trips within Europe and gradually expanded to longer, more intensive travels. Even though she has acquired extensive travel experience, she often needs an initial push to start. But one thing is certain: this blog encourages her to do so.

Come in touch with us
Now that you have dived into the essence of Whaling Around and explored the dynamic synergy of Andrea and Lars, we invite you to connect with us on a more personal level. We would love to hear your thoughts, questions or your own experiences while travelling. Whaling Around is not just about our journey; it is also about inspiring others and showing that this lifetsyle is more accessible than you might think. So please visit our contact page if you feel like it or leave a reaction on one of our blogposts. We look forward to connect with like-minded people such as yourself.